Successfully started this week: The new workshop on scientific illustration – an Inkscape masterclass for life…
The BioVoxxel Workshops
Detailed BioVoxxel's Services
Group Workshops
Live online workshops to learn via many hands-on exercises and ask the image analysis expert. Benefit from over a decade of expertise.
Self-Learning Courses
Learn image analysis, publication figure creation or scientific illustration at your own pace. The full content of the group workshops... and more!
Customized Analysis Solutions
Customized software solutions for your individual image analysis or consulting regarding all topics related to image analysis and automation
Scientific Image Integrity Service
Get support from an image integrity expert. Receive quality badges, integrity reports or assistance in misconduct investigations
Scientific Illustration Service
Get your professional 2D/3D journal cover art, graphical abstract or short animations to communicate your research
Hourly-based coaching sessions on image analysis problems or help with own ImageJ macro programming issues.
Experience in Figures
Years in Business
Client Institutions
Workshops Given
Students Taught
Years Experience
Fiji Plugins
Lines of code
Scientific Citations
Free Fiji BioVoxxel Plugins
- BioVoxxel Figure Tools
- BioVoxxel 3D Box
- BioVoxxel Toolbox
- Excel Functions

The BioVoxxel Figure Tools enable you to create high quality, publication figure grade images out of Fiji.
Export your images including scale bars and all labels as SVG vector graphics in 100% quality.
Those tools empower you to easily make figures in Inkscape without data alterations.

Fiji plugins for 2D and 3D image processing and analysis in one place. All functions are heavily GPU-based via the fabulous CLIJ2 library. All you need for image segmentation, labels processing and quality control.
Featured Tool is the Voronoi Threshold Labeler (VTL) for 2D/3D object segmentation.

The BioVoxxel Toolbox is an established ImageJ/Fiji suite which contains plugins and some macros dealing with image filtering, image segmentation and binary image processing as well as various analysis tools, such as cluster analysis and comparative object counting and measurements.
The Person behind BioVoxxel

Dr. Jan Brocher
Founder of BioVoxxelBioVoxxel on Bluesky
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Scientific Illustration Online Course
Fantastic NEWS! The successful BioVoxxel workshops will step-by-step become available as online self-learning courses. Scientific Illustration…