With the usage of the BioVoxxel Exercise Manager and the new X-Man version since 2024 you agree that your access information is stored in a password protected file for access verification to the exercise content. To be able to verify your eligibility of access to the exercise content the exercise manager needs to create a secure connection to the internet and compare your password setting with the database to unlock the exercise content. To ensure this connection is established correctly and to pinpoint potential problems with connection a small log file at the time of connection is created. This just contains information about the transfer process and the operating system from which the connection was established. The log will only be used in case you figure out any connection problems. Log files are regularly deleted, so that no trace is left.
The given e-mail address will not be used for general advertisement and will not be given to any third party. We hate spam as you do, so do not worry. You will not receive any unnecessary mails from us. Only reason to write you would be a change in policy, revocation of access or drastic changes in the related software or information about new BioVoxxel courses.
This consent can be revoked at any time. Please contact BioVoxxel if you want to change the e-mail address to be used for access verification. You can also ask for the deletion of your e-mail address at any time. This will in turn revoke the right to get access to the exercise content provided by BioVoxxel.